The first major classic car show of the season kicked off in style and the SDC was there. The Scramble was hosted by Bicester Heritage in Oxfordshire over the weekend of the 23rd/24th April, being the first two-day event of its size to be held in the UK, since the pandemic spoiled our fun. For enthusiasts of older cars, the weekend served as an unofficial announcement that winter had ended and, after two years of mask-wearing and mandatory two-metre distances, the time has come to look forward to an unrestricted summer. Unsurprisingly, tickets were in hot demand and sold out virtually instantly after being released. Thanks to the quick thinking of our Chairman, Miles Preston, and Hon. Secretary, Alex Aldous, Old Salopians had no problem obtaining tickets.
SDC members and their cherished cars gathered at the technical site throughout the weekend with 11,000 other attendees. Displays included a variety of pristine examples from car manufacturer heritage fleets, including Skoda, Mazda and Audi. Yet, there was more to see than just static exhibits. Bicester Heritage has become the go-to site for restoration and there were plenty of opportunities to grasp new vehicle repair and restoration skills within the workshops, which, usually, are kept under lock and key. The Bentley restoration unit was a particular highlight, which blended new technology of CAD with traditional hands-on skills. The nine SDC members (plus four children) enjoyed a pub lunch, prior to heading home.
For the SDC, The April Scramble fired the post-pandemic starting piston and we are looking forward to a host of events this year, including: 14th May: The Shropshire/Worcester/Hereford tour involves breakfast in Shrewsbury and a drive to the Morgan car factory in Malvern, followed by lunch in Colwall.
29th May: The Yorkshire tour will consist primarily of a drive across the region’s spectacular countryside, Michel Vanhoonacker is the organiser.
12th June: The West Country tour involves a trip from just outside Taunton, into the Quantock Hills and lunch at the Carew Arms.
10th July to 12th July. The extended Kent and East Sussex tour has sold out but we look forward to report on the club’s first multi-day event.
28th August sees our next national meet. The SDC plans to be present at the Silverstone Classic. Tickets are available via Silverstone but e-mail our Chairman if you are coming,, because he is coordinating get-togethers 1st and 2nd October.
Old Salopian Day this year will be on 1st October. Further details of this weekend will follow shortly.
13th November. As usual, we are planning an SDC get-together at the Classic Car Show at the NEC in Birmingham. Again, more details will follow.